Course Description: Ceramics 1 **NEW COURSE!!
Credits 0.5 (Semester Long)
Prerequisite: None
In this introduction to ceramics materials and processes, students will design and create works using hand-building processes and throwing at the potter's wheel. Students will also complete the glazing process on a ceramics form.
What does this mean?
This course is an introduction to clay. We will be using a low fire earthenware clay. Each student will be required to throw on the potter's wheel and build using hand building techniques. Attendance is very important in this course, because the projects must be completed in class. ​
During this half year course, students will fill out papers that will allow them to evaluate their own artwork. What worked best with this piece? Where did you struggle? How would you change it? Every art piece is a learning experience so that students do better in the future. Class critiques will allow students to comment on their own and others work, along with understanding and being considerate of others viewpoints.
Each large project is worth 100 points and will be graded according to a teacher created rubric. Focus is needed to complete work during the class time given. Since many of the supplies can not be taken home, this class has very little homework, but class time must be used wisely to finish projects on time.